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8-bit general-purpose MCU

8-bit OTP microcontroller with 12 bit ADC
CSC8132/CSC8132B 系列

The CSC8132/CSC8132B series is a CMOS 8-bit microprocessor with ADC, completely static, and based on OTP program. It runs

Using RISC architecture, all instruction architectures have one instruction cycle, with only a few instructions requiring two instruction cycles.

CSC8132/CSC8132B are 2KW OTP program memory, 128 byte data memory, and up to 12 channels with 12 bit resolution

ADC, One of the channels is an internal bandtap reference voltage or 0.25 * VDD. CSC8132/CSC8132B simultaneously provide 6 hardware counters:

A 16 bit hardware counter, two 8-bit PWM counters, and three 11 bit PWM counters.

Product detail

  • Single processing unit working mode

  • Provide 87 valid instructions

  • Most of them are 1T (single cycle) instructions

  • Programmable stack pointer and stack depth

  • Data access supports both direct and indirect addressing modes, and the data storage can be used as an index pointer for indirect addressing mode

  • The IO address and storage address space are independent of each other